At T/DG, we are focused on helping our clients reach the highest information maturity level and transform into data-driven enterprises using systematic, time-bound processes.
T/DG’s Big Data analytics and consulting services include
- Helping organizations achieve big data empowerment.
- Analyzing their existing landscape and identifying insights to enhance business.
- Enhancing organizational productivity and upskilling the team proficiency.
- Providing cost-effective solutions for data consolidation, storage and analysis.
- Planning and developing a scalable Big Data architecture.
- Offering Big Data analytics and insights in real time.
T/DG’s Big Data analytics and consulting services include
- Comprised of multiple data processing stages, first by applying various information adapters to data sources, the data is captured and stored in Big Data storages.
- The stored information is then transformed using data models, analytical models and search indices. Thereafter, the data is consolidated together for analysis.
- Using a Big Data Search and Analytics engine, the information is analyzed for different KPIs and is made available to any applications through standard interfaces either through T/DG's own visualization or through application's own interface.
- The Big Data solutions can be customized as per various factors such as budget, information complexity, processing type and technical complexity.
The Big data information maturity level of enterprises can be defined in 5 different levels.
- Level 1 - Information collection from various direct as well as indirect sources.
- Level 2 - Focus on transforming and consolidating the information in the big data storage.
- Level 3 - Statistical analysis of the organizational information.
- Level 4 - Prediction and budgeting of the KPIs based on past performance and analysis of information consolidated from different sources.
- Level 5 - Optimization based on prescription coming from the system and alignment of their businesses towards the planned goals.

Get T/DG’s Big Data advantage
The benefits and unique value of our Big Data consulting services can be summarized as listed below
Significant cost saving with a customer-centric pricing model – Our solutions take into account our customer's preferred pricing model, ensuring they are offered Big Data Search solutions at an optimum cost.
In-built products and tools – Our team of experts develop various products and tools reducing the possibilities of human errors, resulting in faster implementation and lower risks.
Proven methodology and execution – With numerous certifications and appraisals, you can be sure that your projects will be executed systematically.
Technical expertise - Our architects are globally recognized technology mentors. Some of them have authored best-selling books on various Big Data technologies, published various research papers/technical articles.
Global strategic alliances and technology partnerships - With strategic alliances and partnerships with DataStax, Hortonworks and others we are able to quickly address our customer concerns.