DigiPayroll Blogs

Guest Post Guidelines

Interested in Contributing to DigiPayroll Official Blog?

Here's what you need to know

While we are selective when it comes to accepting guest posts, we are always happy to welcome profound contributors with really unique and informative content that can be of real value to our readers. If you have great writing skills and wish to share your knowledge and expertise with our readers, then this is the platform for you. We are looking for post/content related to payroll, payroll Management etc.

Go through the guidelines given below to get an idea about the kind of content we are looking from guest bloggers.

  • The guest post should have an introduction that attracts interest.
  • There should be the presence of necessary headings and subheadings, along with bold font for key sentences in the guest posts.
  • The guest post should have a conclusion.
  • The guest post should have fresh content that has not been published before.
  • Ensure that the guest post does not violate any copyright laws.
  • The blog webmaster reserves the right to make changes if required.
  • The guest post must have a minimum word count of 300-400 words.
  • The blog webmasters reserve the right to include in the guest post calls-to-action with links, including but not limited to blogs, product/service pages, brochures and other downloadable content.
  • Only 1 external link is allowed for every guest post submitted (no-follow tag)
  • An Author Bio is mandatory (about 40 words) and no freelancers are allowed. However, we don't publish the author bio for guest bloggers.
  • It is mandatory to include at least one social media profile link to the author's bio.
  • The blog webmasters reserve the right to edit and adapt the guest post content as we see fit, and update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
  • The blog webmaster reserves the right to delete/reject the guest post.

Please note that when a blogger submits a guest post, it means they agree to adhere to all the guidelines mentioned above.